Lincoln Highway Association: California Chapter P.O. Box 447
Carmichael, CA 95609

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes — Saturday, April 7, 2012

Vince’s Ristorante
West Sacramento, California


  1. Second Quarterly Meeting was called to order by President Paul Gilger at 1:30 PM
  2. Introductions by all present: 32 members and guests attended, including all chapter officers (see Attendees at end)
  3. Current agenda reviewed and approved by all members present.
  4. First Quarter Minutes for January 7, 2012 were submitted on January 19, generally approved by the board, with the final edit by webmaster James Lin. Mark Hoffman moved to accept First Quarter Minutes, and motion seconded by Kell Brigan.
  5. Officers’ Reports
    1. State Director Bob Dieterich:
      1. Announced that the national LHA will publish a book covering both the history of the LH and the LHA, with historic pictures.
      2. Anne Root has donated most of Norm’s LH things to the California Chapter. Joel Windmiller, Gary Kinst, Bob Dieterich and Lloyd Johnson helped gather and box Norm’s LH possessions, which will be sorted and stored at Joel’s house. One concrete marker will remain at Norm’s house.
    2. President Paul Gilger: see below
    3. Vice-President Joel Windmiller:
      1. LH monuments maintenance: Begin monitoring and servicing (cleaning, repairing, paint touch-up) Norm’s LH monuments. Create longer lasting “L” with color concrete/mortar or tile to withstand sun and weather exposure. Applying anti-graffiti coating on LH monuments would make cleaning easier before repainting or patching. (Discussion: can members do drive-bys and report condition to Joel?)
      2. New Meeting Locations: Future LH meetings at cities or towns which have not been selected from list. Consider weather (e.g., Central Valley summer heat, Sierra winter snow) plus travel miles to location should be considered. If possible, members can carpool to save on gas. Checklist created by V.P. (Note: The West Sacramento Historical Society suggested we use their community center).
      3. Clarksville Days 2012: Question: Will the California Chapter plan to attend and set-up a tent at the event on Saturday, May 5? If so, we need to contact Hal Erpenbeck of the Clarksville Region Historical Society at Note: This might be the last year before the US 50/Silva Valley Parkway interchange project begins. If the answer is no, the chapter needs to attend and take photos of the Pony Express Station, concrete 1918 Carson Creek Bridge, and “C” monuments.
      4. Tower Court concrete: Jim Brewer, from the West Sacramento Historical Society, may have contacted the West Sacramento City Council about construction permits/plans filed with the city. If so, how long before concrete demolition begins? See if this section of concrete can be saved and included in the construction plans for this parcel.
      5. Bi-annual Officers’ Meetings: Schedule bi-annual officers meetings at locations to be determined. The Fairfield area was proposed; the motion and proposed venue were approved by V.P. Windmiller, and seconded by Gary Kinst. The motion was carried by all members present. Note: After the meeting, Bob mentioned that officer meetings cannot be held without the membership being present; he will check with National for a ruling.
      6. Truckee River Canyon: Contact property owners for permission to walk/drive the old LH/US 40 alignment off Glenshire Road along the Truckee River. Possible nickname of this old section is Flycasters Bend, a possible future addition to LH Tour #3. The property addresses for the owners of this alignment are:
        • San Francisco Fly Casting Club
          14172 Glenshire Dr
          Truckee, CA 96160
          (530) 587-3796
        • Teichert Construction Company
          3500 American River Dr
          Sacramento, CA 95864
          (916) 484-3011
    4. Treasurer Kell Brigan: Submitted chapter account balance (contact the chapter for details); accepted by all present.
    5. Recording Secretary Mike Kaelin: see below
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Webmaster Jimmy Lin: Reports 260 Lincoln Highway Association fans on Facebook. Facebook is redesigning their pages by timeline.
    2. Membership Chair Joel Windmiller: apologized for mis-dating the first batch of 2nd quarterly postcards. (He was forgiven by the board.)
    3. Mapping Chair Paul Gilger: The new free Lincoln Highway maps, based on Google Maps, should be up and running online by June 2012. Among other things, they will allow the inclusion of various alignments of the LH to be shown. Jimmy Lin showed a prototype of the new maps. Paul has worked very hard on this project!
    4. The Cruise date is August 25, from Sacramento to Donner Pass.
    5. The Coach tour, operated by Sports Leisure Vacations, is now set for September 15. This is a deluxe coach with snacks served, restroom, and other amenities. A flyer was handed out at the meeting by Mark Hoffman. You can also read about and book the tour online. The cost is $110 ($100 for LHA members).
    6. The Sign Project (Mike Kaelin) has slowed due to various bureaucratic problems. El Cerrito has contacted me recently to sponsor LH signs for San Pablo Avenue, and I will be making a presentation there soon. Scott Miner has agreed to help in Castro Valley and Hayward and has some new ideas as well.
    7. Promo Chair Carolyn Harkonnen: no report.
    8. Speakers: Bob Chase spoke recently at the West Side Pioneers Association in Tracy, and Paul Gilger spoke at Sonoma Kiwanis. Gary Kinst has produced a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentations for speakers.
    9. LH 100th Anniversary Tour in June 2013: Paul discussed various promotions, including a national website not by the LHA (, contacting classic car clubs and historical associations, and PBS documentaries.
  7. Old Business
    1. Tourism Development
    2. Car Club Outreach
  8. New Business
    1. Paul: the Stampede Dam will be raised, but according to the Department of the Interior, it will not affect the Lincoln Highway route nearby.
    2. Bob Chase mentioned that the Questers chapter in Crockett is looking for a good home (LH sponsor) for their concrete LH marker. The Duarte Garage was mentioned as a possibility.
    3. Kathy Franzwa is closing the Patrice Press, but will continue publishing The Lincoln Highway Forum, the LHA journal.
    4. Gary Kinst reports that he e-mailed the latest issue of The Traveler to 170 addresses, including all current members of the LHA California Chapter for which we have addresses. 141 did not bounce. Gary appealed for members to send him LH related material for The Traveler. Brian Butko approached Gary in response to the cover photo on the April issue. Brian would like to use it in his new book, along with 9 to 11 other photos, representing key attractions on the LH in California. Each chapter will be asked to submit 10–12 photos.
    5. Clarksville: Paul talked about the US 50/Silva Valley Parkway interchange, which will eliminate Tong Road (which connects with Old Bass Lake Road/Lincoln Highway) and a section of White Rock Road (Clarksville Road/Lincoln Highway). An alternate driveway to Old Bass Lake Road will be built.
  9. Next meeting date will be Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 12 noon. A restaurant in or near Crockett was suggested.
  10. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM sharp.
  11. PowerPoint Presentation by Luke Rizzuto: “The Longest Auto Race.” Back in 1908, the Great Auto Race from New York to Paris was held. The route took them across the U.S., Japan, Siberia, and Europe. In 2008, Luke organized a reenactment of the North American leg of the race to celebrate its centennial. Starting in April 2013, Luke and a caravan will recreate the entire race's route. The first segment will be from Japan to Paris via Siberia. The second will be from Paris to San Francisco, via the United Kingdom, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and the U.S. Much of the route in the western U.S. will be on the old Lincoln Highway. Luke brought his 1918 Chevrolet open touring car up from the hills above Los Gatos, and offered rides for the car tour of West Sacramento and Tule Jake Road.
  12. Today’s Car Tour
    1. Old LH auto courts (motels) on West Capitol Avenue in West Sacramento
    2. Tower Court (LH concrete)
    3. Tule Jake Road (County Road 127) and the Sacramento Weir
    Due to time constraints, we were not able to visit the West Sacramento Historical Society nor the 1925 Sacramento Northern-Union Pacific railroad sites.


There were 32 attendees (one may not have signed in), including all officers of the LHA California Chapter, members of the West Sacramento Historical Society, and guests.

LHA California Chapter members

  • Officers
    • State Director Bob Dieterich
    • Chapter President Paul Gilger
    • VP Joel Windmiller
    • Treasurer Kell Brigan
    • Secretary Mike Kaelin
    • Traveler Editor Gary Kinst
    • Webmaster Jimmy Lin
  • Greg Gassman, Woodland
  • Grant Gassman, Davis
  • Miriam Hull, Davis
  • Ken and Jeanine Allen, Placerville
  • Alice Corley, Sacramento
  • Ken Masterman, Cameron Park
  • Carolyn Harkonnen, Loomis
  • Mark Hoffmann, Sacramento
  • Leon and Kathy Schegg, Truckee
  • Bob Chase, Fremont

West Sacramento Historical Society members

  • Martha Mills, West Sacramento
  • Jeri Wingfield, West Sacramento
  • Thom Lewis, West Sacramento
  • Kathy Silver, Sacramento
  • Lou Padgug, Sacramento
  • Charlotte Dorsey, West Sacramento
  • Jim Brewer, West Sacramento
  • Bev Catchpole, Sacramento
  • Cecilia Vasquez, West Sacramento

Other guests

  • Luke Rizzuto, Los Gatos — Guest Speaker Extraordinaire
  • Bob Casey, Tracy
  • Marcia LeGrande, Pleasant Hill

Respectfully submitted on April 19, 2012
Mike Kaelin, Recording Secretary