Lincoln Highway Association: California Chapter P.O. Box 447
Carmichael, CA 95609

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes — Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lorenzo’s Mexican Restaurant
3883 Taylor Road
Loomis, California


  1. Meeting called to order at 1:05 pm. A few words about meeting being recorded due to not having a recording secretary.
  2. 38 in attendance, including 4 guests. All officers present, except for Jimmy Lin.
  3. Agenda approved by consensus.
  4. Fourth quarter meeting minutes for October 6, 2012 were approved; carried by Joel Windmiller, seconded by Scott Miner.
  5. Officers and Staff Reports
    1. State Director Bob Dieterich:
      1. Brian Butko is working on an 100th anniversary commemorative book. He is working on this for us, for free, expect the book to be in the $25 range and have lots of pictures.
      2. A whole lot of work going on at the National level for the 100th centennial for car tours and events it is going to be spectacular.
      3. Bob was approached by the Placer County Water Agency. They are putting in a new water line on Taylor Road near Ophir Road. They have to dig up all layers of the road: Taylor Road, old Highway 40 and the original Lincoln Highway. They are going to put up a monument about the old Lincoln Highway and old Highway 40. They asked about getting signs to add to the plaque. Members are going to look into finding a source for the signs. PCWA will pay the cost of the signs.
    2. President Paul Gilger:
      1. On eBay there are two original LHA marker heads for sale $225,000.00, not the whole marker, just the heads.
      2. The German magazine Autobild is doing an article about the LH. They met Bob Lichty and Rosemary Rubin in Hershey, Pennsylvania and drove a 1968 Lincoln to New York. Then they drove to San Francisco on the Lincoln Highway with a camera on the car, taking one picture every second. Paul led them from Reno to San Francisco and has the car in storage. A filmmaker and a TV station in Germany are getting together to make a documentary on the Lincoln Highway.
      3. Paul presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Kiwanis Club of Santa Rosa.
    3. Vice-President and Membership Chairman Joel Windmiller:
      1. There is a need to repair some replica LH markers in West Sacramento and Fairfield. There was a lot of discussion on this. Gary Kinst and Joel Windmiller are going to look into how best to make repairs.
      2. Along Auburn Boulevard between Howe and Fulton, a sound wall along I-80 has been placed that has Historic Highway 40 markers. We should look into having LH markers added.
      3. 220 postcards were mailed which included 173 members. 131 members received the Traveler by e-mail.
    4. Treasurer Grant Gassman:
      1. Submitted chapter account balance (contact the chapter for details); accepted by all present.
    5. Secretary — position is open
    6. Traveler Editor and Chapter Historian Gary Kinst
      1. In Gold Run there was an old billboard on the side of the road urging you to call your California Congressional representative to widen the road. This billboard wound up being the side of a barn, missing a few pieces. The owner is now looking for a new home to donate this old sign.
      2. The California Alpine Club is working on 100th Anniversary of their club and sent Gary seven old pictures, one showing Johnson Pass back when it was a lookout station.
      3. In Tracy, two very old buildings that were on the LH have been demolished one was to make way for a new McDonalds.
    7. Webmaster Jimmy Lin
      1. Jimmy did not attend. However Neil Rodrigues talked for a few minutes about the LH on Yahoo Groups. This is an underutilized tool and wants to promote more use.
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Membership Chairman Joel Windmiller:
      1. Sent 225 post card mailings, with no bad address returns.
    2. Coach Tour director Mark Hoffman:
      1. Unable to attend. Paul reported, tour was wildly successful and he wants to do two more. He will repeat the Donner tour and would like to add the Sacramento to San Francisco via 1928 route. Dates to be announced later.
    3. Car Cruises — Paul Gilger:
      1. We will have one car tour this year, probably to Tahoe. Date to be announced later.
    4. Signs — Mike Kaelin:
      1. The next project is Livermore, to put a protective coating on the signs for longer life, and they are going to need 8 or 9 signs. Scott Minor helped survey Hayward and Castro Valley; they may take 10 signs. They hope to have them done by June. Then we will be down to 2 or 3 signs. We front the cost of signs and get sponsorships to get the signs placed. Still want to get all of Alameda, Sacramento and San Joaquin counties.
      2. Mike also want more focus on mapping. He said Paul and Jimmy have done a great job; he would like to see it be an agenda item. This sparked a very long discussion about mapping, with Paul Gilger explaining how is done at the national level and local level, and that input for corrections and new information are always welcome.
  7. Old Business
    1. At the conference Jimmy Lin received an Exemplary Friend Award. Paul is trying to get it to him.
    2. LHA 100th Anniversary Tour
      1. Paul talked abut the upcoming tour with every stop, breaks, lunch and dinners. He wants participation for the dinner stop at the California Automobile Museum in Sacramento. We need the California chapter to provide dinner for 100 to 200 people. A spaghetti dinner is suggested: two sauces (one tomato/meat and one pesto), Caesar salad, and some kind of fruit salad. Drinks will be sold by the museum, and facilities will be provided by the museum. We will provide plates and plastic ware. The dinner committee is Sally Hoeprich, Scott Miner, John Turner, Bob Dalola and Amelia Aliff, all members of the Cal Auto Museum.
  8. New Business
    1. Nathan Baluguy is doing an Eagle scout project and he wants to place a LH Marker in Auburn along the Lincoln Highway. Wants some help finding a replica marker. Scott Miner is going to help.
    2. Silva Valley Parkway Interchange — construction is about to start. Some LH pavement will be lost, but the bridge will be saved.
    3. LH sign for Colfax exit sign on I-80 — Grant talked about the need for a sign. This will be the first LH sign put on a freeway exit sign.
    4. Election of officers:
      1. State Director — Bob Dieterich
        Re-elected by a rousing round of applause.
      2. Motion for the election of officers:
        • President — Paul Gilger
        • VP — Joel Windmiller
        • Secretary — open
        • Treasurer — Grant Gassman
        Motion made by Bob Dieterich, seconded by John Russel. Motion passed.
    5. Followed by a plea for a secretary, in the interim, a motion was made by Joel Windmiller that the meeting will be recorded by electronic device for someone to transcribe later. At the beginning of each meeting, it will be announced that the meeting is being recorded. If something needs to be discussed off the record, the recording will be stopped for that discussion point and restarted afterwards. The recording will be erased once the minutes are approved. This motion was seconded Neil Rodrigues and passed.
  9. Spring Meeting:
    1. Santa Clara, first Saturday on April 6th at the Bertolli Car Collection Private Museum. Bearcat Properties, 505 Laurelwood Rd., go around back. Bring your own folding chair; they only have about 20 chairs and you don’t want to have to stand up for the whole meeting. Bring a coat, it may be cold.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 2:42 pm.

Winter Meeting Attendance List (38 attendees)

  1. Henry Ostermann
  2. Paul Gilger
  3. Dan Longaker
  4. Lee Schegg
  5. Bob Salinas
  6. Lauretta Powell Salinas
  7. Lloyd Johnson
  8. Gary Kinst
  9. Amelia Alff
  10. Jon Alff
  11. Joe Teresi
  12. John Turner
  13. Bob Dalola
  14. Maureen Kelly-Thompson
  15. Mark Long
  16. Jim Armstrong
  17. Neil A. Rodrigues
  18. Bob Chase
  19. Joel Windmiller
  20. Bob Dieterich
  21. Sally Colvin Hoeprich
  22. Carolyn Harkonnen
  23. Michael Kaelin
  24. Ken Masterman
  25. Grant Gassman
  26. Greg Gassman
  27. Kell Brigan
  28. John Russel
  29. Larry Lee
  30. Pam Lee
  31. David Lee
  32. Jackie Ferreira
  33. Nathan Balaguy
  34. Miriam Hull
  35. Dave Delgardo
  36. Scott Miner
  37. Montaput Miner

Respectfully submitted on March 27, 2013
Ken Masterman, Acting Recording Secretary

Meeting attendance by Joel Windmiller, California Chapter Vice-President