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The meeting convened at approximately 12:45 PM, with 11 members in attendence. Paul Gilger lead the meeting since Norm Root was not able to attend. Thanks go out to Stephanie Perrier, who helped Kell Brigan take minutes at this meeting. Having a second set of ears taking notes proved very helpful.
Chapter Bylaws (Bob Dieterich): Bob has been looking over the California Chapter's bylaws. The bylaws were last reviewed in 2000, and need to be revised. The changes will eventually be featured in The Traveller for review, and submitted to the Chapter membership for approval.
Having up-to-date bylaws is required in order for chapters to incorporate as non-profit groups, and, in particular, is a requirement for applying for National Historic Byway status. Bob will prepare revisions to the bylaws and present them to the Chapter at the next quarterly meeting. Byways may be established at the state or national level. Byway status not only confers additional publicity, but also is a requirement for obtaining SAFETEA-LU funding. About two-thirds of the Lincoln Highway states have obtained National Historic Byway status. California and a handful or other states need to catch up! (Click for more information on SAFETEA-LU funding, and the National Scenic Byways and All American Roads programs.)
501(c)(3) Status (Bob Dieterich): The Clarksville Historical Society's Treasurer is willing to donate time and expertise assisting the Chapter in obtaining 501(c)(3) status.
CA Driving Maps & Tours (Paul Gilger): Paul's sold about 300 hard copy maps so far, and they continue to be popular. As usual, the two Sierra tours seem to attract more interest.
Arno Bridge Access (Mike Kaelin): The Association now has access to the Arno area and the 400-foot bridge. We need to call the property owners before-hand to arrange access. Near the West Collierville Diversion from Elk Grove to McConnell prior to 1924 South of Galt. Could add this as a Chapter outing or make part of one of the tours.
Treasurer's Report (Kell Brigan): no unusual activity, other than sign purchase from Sign-A-Rama for $381.31 the beginning of April 2008. Chapter assets as of April 10, 2008: $1,787.65 overall, $859.15 from tours.
Evanston Conference Art & Photo Show (Kell Brigan): Kell announced that we have six participants from four states. Works of several types will be displayed include watercolor, lithograph, cut paper collage, photography, and line drawing. The deadline for submitting works has been extended to May 1st.
The Traveller (Gary Kinst):
George Clark sent Gary a photo of a school in Vallejo with a LH marker in front, vintage 1928. Also a photo from 1959 showing a group of students inspecting this marker. A story will be in the next Traveler. Mike Kaelin and Gary visited with the gentleman whose family has lived near Mossdale before there was a Lincoln Highway. Gary shared photos of the original gas pump from the Mossdale Store. We were able to see the original alignment of the 1916 Lincoln entering the Mossdale Y from Lathrop. There is also a fruit stand from the period with original signage.
Had some mail returned due to deceased members. Bob will handle getting records updated at the National level.
Notice: Gary's looking for newsletter articles, so let those creative juices flow!
Signage (Gary Kinst):Gary will be ordering 12 more signs from Sign-a-Rama at the usual price, $381.31.
Chapter Website Maintenance (Kell Brigan): Kell will be tidying up the Chapter website, and will report back on the details at the next meeting. Some things she'll be working on include: standardizing the menus and navigation; adding graphics; getting the archive newsletters formatted, indexed and uploaded; setting up "related links"; and posting the tours price increase.
National Driving Maps Website: Paul's working on this major project, which will include one or more maps for each county, as well as GPS data. The goal is to have the site up and running before the 2013 national conference. Jimmy Lin will be working with Paul. Kell is available to help pending Jimmy Lin's schedule.
Sign Presentation and Display Protocol (Mike Kaelin): Mike is hoping the Chapter can clarify the protocol for presentation and display of "Historic Lincoln Highway" signage. He has drafted some criteria, i.e. the building must have historical significance or be readily adjacent to highway alignments; the owner should be involved in the decision of where and how to display the sign; the sign should be clearly visible to the public; and photos should be taken of the presentation. Bob Dieterich asked him to formally write up guidelines that can be voted upon at the next Chapter meeting.
This discussion was prompted in part by the motion to present a sign to the Mountain House Bar (near the eastern edge of the Altamont corridor), which was unanimously approved. The Bar may also be a site for a future outside Chapter meeting.
2011 Lake Tahoe Conference (Paul Gilger): Lake Tahoe Community College still tops the list of possible conference headquarters locations. Conference will likely beheld the week of June 19th. Jim Bonar, head of the Nevada Chapter, will be speaking with Bob and Paul this coming Monday evening regarding Nevada's participation in the conference. In addition to two alignments in Nevada, tours should also focus on the Pioneer Trail sections (aka. California Tour No. 2). We'll also need to contact the Clarksville Historical Society regarding a tour of Old Bass Lake Road.
Paul requested that members research the availability of small vans for tours. He will be coordinating contacts so that businesses aren't contacted by more than one person.
Paul mentioned that he would like to have a celebrity identified with California as a guest speaker, i.e Jay Leno due to his familiarity with classic cars, or perhaps Shelly Long, since she grew up near the Lincoln Highway. Northern California media (i.e. Jack Gallagher) will also be contacted re. the conference.
Paul will be holding meetings with the Conference committee as the time approaches.
Lake Van Nordin/Royal Gorge Development (Bob Dieterich): Lincoln Highway segment will likely be paved as part of establishing access to the development. There was a possibility of the area being developed as a pedestrian route, but that's fallen through.
Clarksville Development (Bob Dieterich): No news.
Tour Prices Increase (Paul Gilger): Due to increased gas prices, an increase in the per-person price for tours to $45.00 was unaninmously approved.
Collector's Cards (Gary Kinst): Gary asked the group whether he should develop collector's post-card size cards featuring vintage highway photographs and related research for sale or distribution at events and through the Trading Post, and had a couple of prototypes to pass around. The Chapter would help cover printing and development costs. The suggestion was unanimously approved.
West Sacramento Concrete Markers (Bob Dieterich): Looks like West Sac is getting ready to place the markers on West Capitol, as part of redevelopment in that area. Likelihood of presentations and photo ops is high. Stay tuned.
Sylvan Corners Public Art (Bob Dieterich): A public art project at Sylvan Corners in Citrus Heights features abstract pillars and interpretive plaques about the history of the area. One pillar and plaque is dedicated to contemporary transportation. It's always included a large "Route 40" sign, but now an oversized Lincoln Highway sign is on the pillar as well. (The art park also includes a concrete highway marker.) Bob will email a picture of the new sign to Gary for inclusion in The Traveller.
Next Meeting: Saturday, July 12th in Auburn at Lou La Bonte's. Will be hosted by Loretta Powell.
At 2:45, the meeting was adjourned.
Following the meeting, most of the group visited nearby historic sites, including Donlon Street. (an ancient north/south road), the Dublin Heritage Center, Dublin Canyon, and East Castro Valley (including a 75' stretch of original 1913 Lincoln Highway on Portland cement.) Mike Kaelin's fancy new safety vest, complete with Lincoln Highway patches, helped keep us visible road-side.
Respectfully submitted,
Kell Brigan