The Traveler
The Newsletter of the Lincoln Highway Association - California Chapter

Fall 2001


From the Editor

Wes Hammond

With this issue we will continue our journey across the United States, viewing scenes along the Lincoln Highway, as seen by the postcard photographer. We will pass through the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Chapter member George Clark has prepared this story. A special thank you is due to two individuals for furnishing copies of postcards from their home states: Esther Oyster for Ohio and Peter Youngman for Indiana. Remember this journey will be complete with the states of California and Nevada, and will coincide with the June 2002 National Conference of the Lincoln Highway Association in Sacramento, California.

The theme of the Highway Nostalgia column this issue is the Fageol Truck and Coach Company. Their manufacturing plant was located on Foothill Boulevard in Oakland, California, a street that was part of the original 1916 Lincoln Highway.

The next chapter meeting will be held at 1:00 PM, Saturday, October 13. The location is at the Tandem Properties, 3500 Anderson Road in Davis. Please mark your calendars with this date and time. Directions to reach this location and a map are on this page.

ATTENTION CHAPTER MEMBERS! There will be a change in the publication date of the newsletter. The date will be changed from the present first of March, June, September, and December, to the first of January, April, July, and October. This change is being made to coincide with the dates of our quarterly chapter meetings that are held during these months. The newsletter will now arrive two weeks prior to the date of the chapter meeting. It will better serve members with a current reminder of the meeting and update you with any meeting changes, etc. There will not be a December newsletter. The first issue of this change will arrive the first of January 2002.

LATE NOTICE Chapter member George Clark will be the speaker for the chapter meeting to be held on October 13, 2001. (See information above.) His topic is the San Francisco Bay Ferry System that connected with the Lincoln Highway at Oakland, and later, at Berkeley. His talk will be entitled "Ferry Tales." George knows his subject well, and this will be an interesting look at the ferry system. This meeting should not be missed.

Copyright © 2001 by the Lincoln Highway Association. All rights reserved.
Maintained by James Lin <>