Those planning a vacation trip along the nation’s first highway can now identify the locations of RV campgrounds using the homepage association’s website: Clicking on the blue tent symbol at any point along the national route displays the name and address of the campground in a pop-up box.

Established in 1913, the Lincoln Highway still exists in its many forms, clearly marked and offering a taste of motor travel as it existed before the Interstates.
Experience it a piece at a time in one or more of the 13 states through which it passes, between Times Square and San Francisco.
The online integrated map can help plan a trip and guide travelers along the way. Thousands travel over the route every year. Get off the four-lane whenever you wish and pick a more relaxed way to motor through the towns and villages that carry that unique taste of Americana.
There are hundreds of stop-over choices along the way including, historical attractions, sites of interest, and camping locations liberally situated. It’s the road that challenged the way Americans traveled, and it’s waiting for new explorers today: driveable, prosperous, and ready to host a most pleasant, informative, and memorable adventure.
For more information contact:
John Jackson, Marketing Section
Lincoln Highway Association
PO Box 1326
Delaware, Ohio 43105