2 thoughts on “Renovation started on gas station in Sutherland, NE

  1. Would this be the old Texaco gas station at the east edge of Sutherland? I lived in Sutherland from 1951-1959. Lived on Hwy 30 where the Conoco station was. It was White’s Conoco, west of the Park Motel. Our house was moved to another location north of the present location. Joe Compus owned the Texaco back in the 50s. My dad drove a tank wagon truck for Standard Oil in 53-55. There was a Standard station next to the Park Motel on 30. Have some good memories living there.

  2. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t have enough info for me to tell which station they’re talking about. The original article is gone, but you can read an archived version here:


    Another newspaper article mentioned four gas stations that they were considering to renovate — 320 First Street, 700 First Street, 930 First Street, and 1421 West First Street.


    Thanks for writing!
    — James Lin
    LHA Webmaster

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