Bernie Queneau visits Lincoln Highway mural featuring himself

Bernard and Esther Queneau recently visited Frankfort, Illinois to see the village’s Lincoln Highway mural. It features four Eagle Scouts on their road trip across the Lincoln Highway in 1928, including a 16-year-old Bernie.

One thought on “Bernie Queneau visits Lincoln Highway mural featuring himself

  1. I have know Bernie for several years. What sweet hearts. We live in the same apartment building and have enjoyed their friendship for years. We both lost our wives and remaried within months of each other. At present we are both moving into an independent living facility. Bernie is an example that a boy and a man can do with his life if he applies him self I am proud and happy call him my friend. Three things about Bernie. He can fix a dish if sweet potatoes that can make Red Neck cry. He love lamb with mint and and can drink five cups of coffee and continue dining

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