California Chapter online meeting on Sat 7/11

Summer 2020 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, July 11, 2020
1:00 PM
Open to the public

The California Chapter of the LHA will have our summer meeting online via Zoom. Chapter members without access to a computer or smartphone are still welcome to join us, but you will need to ask family or friends if you can view the meeting on their computer or smartphone.

The meeting will begin at 1 PM. The host will be chapter president Joel Windmiller and chapter secretary Paulette Johnston.


  • Updates on what impact COVID-19 has had on LHA activities at the national and local levels
  • Officer and Committee reports
  • National Conference schedules for Illinois (2021) and California (2022)
  • No presentation is scheduled, but this might change before the meeting

If you’re interested in joining us, please email chapter president Joel Windmiller at for Zoom meeting instructions.

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