Sen. Coburn: LH Roadside Museum a waste of federal money

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma (R) blasted federal funding for the Lincoln Highway Roadside Museum in Pennsylvania as an example of wasteful spending. Olga Herbert, executive director of the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor, pointed out that the museum has had a positive economic benefit in the region, plus it was completed almost a decade ago.

Bill and Karen’s excellent Lincoln Highway adventure

Bill and Karen, of Lafontaine, Ontario, Canada, are blogging about their latest two-lane road trip adventure along the Lincoln Highway.

Illinois Lincoln Highway murals receive national awards

The Illinois Lincoln Highway National Scenic Byway received a 2011 Scenic Byway Award for its “Interpretive Gazebos and Murals” project at the National Scenic Byways 2011 Conference in Minneapolis.

Iowa Lincoln Highway Motor Tour stops in Youngville

Vinton Today has written about the Iowa Lincoln Highway Motor Tour’s stop in Youngville. The uncredited music accompanying the slideshow at the bottom of the article is “Goin’ all the Way On the Lincoln Highway” by Buddy Nutt (thanks to Brian Butko).

Old Cedar Rapids, IA factory remembered before demolition

The old Allis-Chambers factory, along the Lincoln Highway in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was remembered in an open house before being demolished for a new production facility.

1895 one-lane bridge in PA threatened

An oil and gas exploration company plans to demolish a one-lane bridge on Smith Ferry Road, part of the Lincoln Highway, in Ohioville, Pennsylvania. The borough’s mayor and historical society hope it can be saved.

Mayor, historical society concerned about bridge, Katie Schwendeman, The Review (East Liverpool, Ohio), September 2, 2011

Admiral Byrd’s Snow Cruiser and the Lincoln Highway

The Delphos Canal Commission has updated its display of the Lincoln Highway in its museum. As part of the update, it has added a model of Admiral Richard Byrd’s Snow Cruiser, which traveled the Lincoln Highway on its way to Antarctica.