Two cities along the Lincoln Highway have been trying to eliminate at-grade railroad crossings since the 1920s.
The Calumet Avenue grade separation in Munster, Indiana was first brought up in 1922. The city is finally hoping to start construction next year and finish in 2016. The project is about three miles north of the intersection of Calumet Avenue and the Lincoln Highway (U.S. 30).
- Major projects aim to eliminate congestion at Munster intersection, Lu Ann Franklin, The Times of Northwest Indiana (Munster, Ind.), July 25, 2011
- Idea for railroad overpass at Calumet 90 years in making, Lu Ann Franklin, The Times of Northwest Indiana (Munster, Ind.), July 24, 2011
In Mansfield, Ohio, bridges over and under the railroads allowed the Lincoln Highway to be rerouted through the city by 1924, but other railroad crossings have not been separated to this day.