Developer appeals denial of Pure Oil gas station demolition in Geneva, IL

The owner of the Pure Oil gas station building in Geneva, Illinois is appealing a ruling by the city’s Historic Preservation Commission, which denied him permission to tear down the building to put in drive-through lanes for a bank. The city council meets to discuss the matter on March 26.

Opponents of the demolition have put up a petition online asking the mayor and city council to save the building.

New Wyoming road proposal takes Lincoln Highway into account

A committee studying a proposed new road connecting the Wyoming cities of Green River and Rock Springs is taking into consideration the various historic Lincoln Highway alignments as part of their designs.

Constructing the Lincoln Memorial

“[The Lincoln Memorial’s] final plans were delayed from 1901 to 1912, during which time many other less costly and more utilitarian proposals came and went. One alternative was a Lincoln highway that would stretch from Washington to Gettysburg.”

Historic car wash could be affected by viaduct project in Fremont, NE

The 23rd Street Viaduct project in Fremont, Nebraska would raise West 23rd Street (near an original Lincoln Highway alignment) over BNSF railroad tracks. An environmental assessment has determined that several historic properties would be affected by the viaduct, including a car wash building that is the only building of its kind along the Lincoln Highway.

IMAX movie on historic Indiana roads being filmed

Lori Cravens and Candy Yurcak are creating an IMAX film exploring historic roads in Indiana, including the Lincoln Highway, and why they are worth preserving. The film will be shown at this year’s Preserving the Historic Road conference in September.

Another Lincoln Highway travel blog

Jamie, a blogger from Ohio, has been posting her travels along “the greatest road across the U.S.A.” in her blog, My Lincoln Highway. Currently, her trips have been concentrated in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Lists of Illinois Lincoln Highway murals and gazebos now online

The Illinois Lincoln Highway Coalition has put up lists of the murals and interpretive gazebos it has been producing throughout the state on its website.