Nebraska getting ready for Lincoln Highway centennial

Communities along U.S. 30 in Nebraska are working on various projects to prepare for celebrating the Lincoln Highway’s centennial in 2013.

(via Lincoln Highway Scenic & Historic Byway on Twitter)

A documentary introducing the Lincoln Highway

RDG Planning and Design has created a 13-minute documentary on the Lincoln Highway called This Highway, Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. It was produced in association with Harrison County Conservation for the Harrison County Historical Village and Welcome Center outside of Missouri Valley, Iowa.

Thanks to Sarah Uthoff for the tip!

1937: Lincoln Highway supplanted by new 4-lane highway in Indiana

On January 15, 1937, a contract was awarded to replace seven miles of the old Lincoln Highway, U.S. 30, in western Indiana with a new 4-lane highway. The contract price was $380,428, which is almost $6,000,000 in 2011 dollars.

House Republican transportation bill would eliminate National Scenic Byways program

The transportation bill introduced by Republicans in the House of Representatives on January 31 would eliminate the National Scenic Byways program.

California’s Lincoln Highway in Hamilton’s Road Maps

Steve Haughey has uploaded maps of what would become the Lincoln Highway in California from the 1914 Hamilton’s Illustrated Auto Road Map, which you can think of as a combination of AAA TripTik strip maps and Google Street View. You can also buy large-format prints of the maps through Zazzle.