Pictured here is an excerpt from a small guide that was published in 1914 advising potential Transcontinental Tourists on The Lincoln Highway, of hints and suggestions for making the trip. Here is a page from the little booklet concerning provisions that should be taken along for the journey. I find it fascinating to see what folks had to bring with them before the advent of plastics.

Love the “gauntlet gloves,” which look so cool. How about the specific brand “Ingersoll” watch, and the pair of “yellow” and “white goggles”? Don’t forget a package of “bachelor buttons,” which I assume are not the flowers, but replacement buttons?
The next paragraph recommends what types of food to pack along including, “Slab Best Bacon,” “10 lbs Potatoes,” and of course, “surgeons plaster” for sealing those tin cans. As mentioned in the pamphlet, these provisions are to be kept with the car at “all times, west of Omaha Neb.”
There is more to the book, which I’ll cover in the next post. This booklet comes to you when you join The Lincoln Highway Association.