Lincoln Highway Association California
Lincoln Highway Association

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes — Saturday, January 6, 2018

Banta Inn
Banta, California


Officer, Staff and Committee Reports

State Director: Bob Dieterich

President: Joel Windmiller

Vice-President: Neil Rodrigues

Treasurer: Grant Gassman

Secretary: Myrna Johnston

Gary Kinst: Traveler Newsletter, Historian

Webmaster: Jimmy Lin

Sign Committee Chair: Michael Kaelin


Coach tours/car cruises: Mark Hoffman

Old Business

Lincoln Highway California brochures — Joel

We discussed having a brochure for California similar to the one from Nevada Chapter. No action was taken. Joel will email Jim Cassler concerning the brochure project and will report the findings at the next chapter meeting.

Altamont Summit Garage clean-up

Sally Colvin Hoeprich brought a brochure from Alameda County about Adopt-A-Spot. The spot considered for cleaning is across the road from the Summit Garage. Trash may be coming from a landfill nearby. Discussion followed. No action taken. Sally will find answers to questions and concerns.

Port Stockton Motorcycle Club

Kevin Shawver reports that the Port Stockton Motorcycle Club had a successful 80th anniversary run. The club presented Kevin with a certificate of appreciation.

New Business

Officer elections

President, Vice President and Treasurer have agreed to continue. Only the Secretary would not continue. Discussion. A motion was made to accept this slate by Greg Beemer. Seconded by Greg Gassman. Motion passed.

Joel asked for a volunteer for Chapter Secretary. Paulette Johnston volunteered for secretary. Discussion. Joel Windmiller moved to accept Paulette Johnston as Chapter Secretary. Seconded by Neil Rodrigues. Motion passed.

Lincoln Highway documentary

Joel received email from Highway Walkers Media, which is making a documentary on the Lincoln Highway. At first, it appeared to be a request for money, but it was actually just asking for assistance with social media, history, and logistics. Discussion.

Grant for signage

Nevada has applied for a grant from national for the expense of signs. Joel asked if we want to apply for a grant from National for signage in California. Discussion. Information on a previous grant will be researched.




Gary Kinst gave a PowerPoint presentation on the 11th Street Bridge in Tracy.

Respectfully submitted
Myrna Johnston, Secretary

Edited by James Lin