Lincoln Highway Association California
Lincoln Highway Association

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes — Saturday, October 10, 2020

Online video conference via Zoom

  1. Meeting Called to Order: 1:09 pm
  2. Attendance and introductions
    1. 44 people signed in.
    2. Jesse: Was a member in 2013, but allowed his membership to lapse. He did ride his Harley across the 1913 alignment from Lincoln Park in San Francisco to Time Square in New York.
    3. Gary: He’s an "old car guy". Found some information a couple of weeks ago, did some research, and applied for membership. Planning a trip for next year and wants some information.
    4. Julia: Near LH in Reno. Has done the Lincoln Highway twice, once in a 1956 Chevy 210.
  3. Approval of July Meeting Minutes
    1. Move to approve the July 2020 meeting minutes: Motion made by Bill von Tagen. Second by Paul Gilger. Motion passed.
  4. Officer, Staff, & Committee Reports
    1. Neil Rodrigues (Friend of the Lincoln Highway 2019): State Director
      1. Need an update for officer names and contact information
      2. Joliet 2021: conference may be pushed out a little later.
      3. Car Tour may be postponed to 2022 due to (you guessed it) COVID.
      4. Sacramento National Conference: 2022 or 2023
      5. To do list started and people signed up for things we need to start working on: Committee Members (in parenthesis); Bill von Tagen, Joel Windmiller (anywhere he is needed)
        1. Hotels (Marriott Hotel in Rancho Cordova): Jesse Juarez/Mark Hoffman (City of Rancho Cordova)
        2. Banquet Location: Jesse Juarez/Scott Miner/Greg Gaskin/Moe Mohanna
        3. Presentations/Activities: Jeopardy Presentation (Joe Teresi)
        4. Drive Tours: Paul Gilger, Jesse Juarez (motorcycles), Chuck&Nora
        5. Walking Tours: Old Town Sac, Capital Building
        6. Bus Tours: Paul Gilger, Mark Hoffman
        7. Museum Tours
        8. Other tours
        9. Historical LH artifacts and places still in existence for handouts
        10. Financial and Expenditure Report
        11. Sponsors
        12. Mailing List
        13. Restaurants on the Lincoln Highway
        14. Brochure from National
        15. Auto/Motorcycle Club Notification: Mark Burnside (Packers), Jesse Juarez (BlueKnights), Chuck &Nora (Model A/T)
    2. Joel Windmiller: President [membership: reminder cards, markers]
      1. Manuel Garcia: Corning, CA: Upon surveying property in Paradise, CA he found an original Lincoln Highway marker from 1913. Planning on keeping it for now, but will eventually donate to LH.
      2. Glenn Beck: he is planning cross country LH tour and was asking for information on places to stop road directions. Joel gave him some information on people to contact to help him.
      3. Sisley Road Report: Placer County has given permission to build structure. Joel will monitor to see if there is any damage for the Lincoln Highway. He will be in contact with Placer County on logistics.
      4. January 2021 will be a Zoom meeting.
    3. Trey Pitsenberger: Vice-President
      1. Two signs on Old Bass Lake Road have been decapitated. Recommends that we do not replace the signs. Looks like collectors are collecting them.
      2. Rollins Lake Road sign is also missing. It looks like someone plowed into that one. Trey will check with Placerville to see if they have the sign and what their plans are for replacing the sign.
      3. Stencil on the railroad crossing in Weimar has been tagged. This is the second time. The stencil team will repaint the “L”.
      4. Folsom Historical Society has a 1929 post that is sitting out in the back of the museum. Trey is in contact with Folsom in signing the Lincoln Highway. Bob D. and Norm originally donated it to the museum on behalf of the chapter.
      5. Trey and Monica have found alignments that have not yet been mapped. They are working with Paul to get those finds mapped.
      6. PCWA Sign: Placer County: Lincoln Highway sign is larger than the Hwy 40 sign. Trey wondered where they were made. Placer County may have made that. The sign is fading. Who should he contact to see who would update or replace the sign? Paul thinks Placer County would like a phone call to let them know the state of the sign.
    4. Grant Gassman: Treasurer’s Report
      1. Balance: contact chapter for details
      2. Deposits
        1. $288 from National
        2. $200 for signage from Bill von Tagen
        3. $100 for signage from NY Director: Jerry Pepper
    5. Paulette Johnston: Secretary
      1. No report submitted.
    6. Gary Kinst: Chapter Historian
      1. Has always done an amazing job with our Traveler, but he will need to step down as editor of "The Traveler" due to health issues and burnout. Board recommends he stay on as Chapter Historican
      2. Several members commented on the love of the Traveler Newsletter and understanding the health issues and burnout.
      3. Joel is looking for someone to take over the Traveler and made a suggestion of Trey.
      4. Trey accepted and would be delighted to fill in for this position. The Traveler is how Trey found out about the LH.
      5. Question as to where is the historic information is at this time. Joel has boxes of materials from Norm as well as a backup of other materials. When Bob’s stuff is added, we will need a storage unit of some kind to hold all the materials safely. Trey could help out with the storage of materials. Joel and Trey will stay in contact and take care of the storage of the materials.
    7. Jimmy Lin: Website Update
      1. Presented slide deck of the LHA Web Stats for 2020 2rd Quarter
      2. Users are down, but due to the pandemic, this is not a surprise. Winter tends to be our lowest time of the year.
      3. More mobile phone usage, which makes a mobile-friendly website a definite necessity.
      4. California’s Website is down since last year, again not surprising due to pandemic.
      5. Traveler has more hits since last year.
      6. Chapter email list: 188 sent out, 2 bounced, 0 unsubscribed.
    8. Trey Pitsenberger: Signage
      1. Reviewed a list of successful projects all over California.
      2. Requested more people to help take on signage work.
    9. Coach Tours: Mark Hoffman
      1. Had a five day tour out of Ely, dropped down and picked up the Lincoln Highway back to Sacramento.
      2. Highlights:
        1. Austin is all torn up on both sides of the street for now. Austin will have sidewalks for the first time in history.
        2. Eureka has a great museum and opera house.
        3. Near Ely there is a drug store from 1979 that has been preserved. The doors were closed and everything left intact until one day someone rediscovered it. It is now a museum that is a period piece. Economy Drug is the best place for ice cream and they have an old time toy museum. One of the best places to look at stars at night. Also visited a bordello…
  5. Member Reports
    1. Bill von Tagen: They completed the Yellowstone Trail. This completes their second transcontinental road.
    2. Mark B: Thanks to Covid, I get to participate in these meetings. I have enjoyed being here today.
  6. Old Business
    1. Already covered above.
  7. New Business
    1. Lincoln Highway Association 2021 Americana Tour (Paul)
      1. 905 miles over 9 days
      2. Paul shared the schedule
      3. The event is being postponed until 2021.
    2. Donation Button:
      1. Postponed discussion until Jimmy is here at the next meeting.
      2. Would like to be able to drive people to the donation button to be a part of the event of signing the LH.
      3. Suggestion of what the money would be going toward.
  8. Meeting Adjourned
    1. Motion to end meeting Paul Gilger, second by Paulette Johnston seconded. Motion passed.
  9. Next meeting will be on January 9, 2021.

Respectfully submitted by
Paulette Johnston, Secretary
December 6, 2020

Edited by Joel Windmiller and Jimmy Lin