Lincoln Highway Association California
Lincoln Highway Association

Quarterly Chapter Meeting Minutes – Saturday, January 7, 2023

Vince’s Restorante
West Sacramento, California

  1. The meeting was called to order at 1:44 PM.
  2. Introductions [Joel] and attendance [Paulette]
    1. Attendance: 31
  3. Approval of October 2023 Minutes
    1. Paul motioned to approve the October 2023 minutes.
    2. Mike seconded the motion.
    3. Minutes were passed.
  4. Presentation
    1. Trey gave a PowerPoint presentation composed by former Chapter Historian Gary Kinst: 1928 Sacramento to San Francisco alignment of the Lincoln Highway
  5. Officer and committee reports
    1. Neil Rodrigues: State Director
      1. Neil could not attend. Report read by Paul.
      2. October 21: gave Lincoln Highway Presentation in Redwood City.
      3. October 29: worked on bike trail along 1913 King Canyon Route
      4. Working on conference committee
    2. Joel Windmiller: President
      1. The book Lincoln Highway in California by Gary Kinst and Stephen H. Provost is available for purchase through Amazon. Many gave contributions to get this book. 71 books have been sold to date
      2. October Meeting: California Alpine Club runs the lodge. Thank you so much to Monica Pitsenberger, who prepared the lunch for the day. She also found QT Freytag’s ring in one of their planter boxes, a happy ending to a stressful situation. We hope to have another chapter meeting at Echo Summit in October 2023.
      3. December 15 — Placer County Planning Commission: A winery is proposed to be built on Callison Road, former 1913 Lincoln-Victory Highway. Trey and Joel voiced concerns to the commission over the loss of any of the original Lincoln Highway that is still visible. Historic preservation is one of the foremost concerns in the environmental impact report. Joel will attend future meetings to see if their concerns were heard and cared for.
    3. Trey Pitsenberger: Vice President/Signage/Traveler/Chapter Historian
      1. Truckee is installing Lincoln Highway signs. Bill Von Tagen bought signs and donated them to the city for installation. When towns take responsibility for the signs, they own them and take care of any missing or damaged signs.
      2. New sign to go up at the Elk Grove Historical Society.
      3. There will be weekly convention meetings to prepare for the convention in Folsom on June 11–15. We are starting on a Sunday instead of a Monday.
      4. Ophir Monument on Taylor Road is working on a new Lincoln Highway sign, since the colors were wrong when they last replaced it.
      5. Clarksville Days update: Still working on bringing this event back.
    4. Grant Gassman: Treasurer’s report
      1. Deposit: $144 from national
      2. Disbursements: $237.91 to Monica Pitsenberger for October meeting lunch, $240 to Joel Windmiller for January meeting mailers, $12 to Grant Gassman for stamp reimbursement
      3. Balance: Contact Chapter for details
    5. Paulette Johnston: Secretary
      1. Unable to attend
    6. Mark Hoffman
      1. No public tours, since we have terms connected to the conference.
    7. Jimmy Lin: Website
      1. Not able to participate. No presentation given on stats
    8. Members: No report
  6. Old business (included in officer and committee reports)
    1. Social Media Update
    2. Adventures in California History LH [Trey]
    3. Ophir Road Monument LH sign replacement [Trey]
    4. LH Historic Highway Status in California [Joel]
    5. LH Historical Book Project [Trey]
    6. Signage/Markers [Joel and Trey]
    7. 2023 Sacramento Conference [Board]
    8. Members
  7. New business (included in officer and committee reports)
    1. Elections for Officer Positions
      1. Motions to accept Current Board members continuing in current positions
    2. Lincoln Highway roadway painting project [Joel-Trey]
    3. National Board Meeting at Conference [Neil-Trey]
    4. 2023 California Conference [Joel-Committee]
    5. Members
  8. Meeting adjournment
    1. Trey Pitsenberger motioned to adjourn and seconded.
    2. Monica Pitsenberger seconded.
    3. Motion passed.
  9. Next Meeting
    1. April 1 at Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too in Dublin, California

Respectfully submitted by
Paulette Johnston, Secretary
April 28, 2023

Edited by President Joel Windmiller and Website editor Jimmy Lin