California Chapter meeting on Sat 7/8

Summer 2017 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, July 8, 2017
12:00 noon

Auburn Alehouse
289 Washington Street
Auburn, CA 95603
Google Map
Map of parking for meeting attendees

Lunch — 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

  • Cash only!
  • Menu: Cobb salad, Pulled pork sandwich, Reuben sandwich, Street tacos (beef or chicken), Alehouse Burger

Chapter meeting at 1:00 pm — Agenda

  • Officer and committee reports
  • Marker and signage reports
  • Signage in Lodi
  • Orangevale Bridge
  • Old Placerville Road in Folsom
  • 2017 Conference and Northwood Tour update
  • Presentation by Mike Holmes, Auburn Chamber of Commerce

Roadtrip: Orangevale Avenue Bridge

20th Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival in Rochelle, Illinois

Rochelle, Illinois hosts the 20th annual Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival this summer, from August 18–20. The festival will feature musical performances, carnival rides, raffles, food court, beer garden, pancake breakfasts, car show, parade, local crafts and shops, and kids’ zone.

California Chapter meeting on Sat 4/1

Spring 2017 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, April 1, 2017 (yes, April Fools’ Day, but this is for real)
12:00 noon–4:00 pm

Español Italian Restaurant
5723 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95819
Google Map

Lunch — 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

  • Menu: soup or salad, pasta (spaghetti, vermicelli, fettuccini, ravioli, lasagna), spumoni or ice cream

Chapter meeting at 1:00 pm — Agenda

  • Officer and committee reports
  • Old Stone Arch Bridge along US 50 American River Canyon
  • Lincoln Park Terminus Marker Plaque Restoration
  • 2017 Northwood Tour Update
  • Orangevale Bridge Restoration and Replica LH Marker Update

Presentation — Ellen Osborn: Lincoln Highway/Highway 50 and Early El Dorado County

Author Ellen Osborn (great-granddaughter of John Calhoun “Cock-eye” Johnson) will share her book, A Lovely & Comfortable Heritage Lost, giving us a unique history of El Dorado County, beginning with the early days of the gold rush and the first conflicts with the Native American tribes of the region. Her book also traces the evolution of California’s Highway 50 and the Lincoln Highway from its beginning as a Native American trade trail, which became a popular Gold Rush route, and explains why it has come to be called one of the most storied and romantic roads in American history. Most importantly, Osborn shares the story of her great-grandfather and the world he lived in as emigrants poured into California, seeking promises of riches and following their own dreams of a new life.

California Chapter meeting on Sat 1/7

Winter 2017 California Chapter Meeting and Elections
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Starts at 11:30 am

Galt Area Historical Society Meeting Hall
550 C St
Galt, CA 95632
Google Map
Use handicap ramp to enter meeting hall

Lunch at 11:30 am — $15 (cash)

  • Menu: salad, roast beef, cheesy potatoes, zucchini torta, bread, pie

Chapter meeting at 1:00 pm — Agenda

  • Officer and committee reports
  • Officer elections
  • Updates: LH signage, website, 2017 Northwood Tour
  • Lathrop and Western Terminus marker plaques
  • Old stone arch bridge on US 50 near Strawberry


  • History of Galt — Galt Area Historical Society
  • Film of 1919 U.S. Army convoy from New York to San Francisco over the Lincoln Highway

Nevada Chapter meeting on Sat 11/12

Fall 2016 Nevada Chapter Meeting
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Starts 12:00 noon

Louis’ Basque Corner
301 E 4th Street
Reno, NV 89501
Google map

Please RSVP for the meeting and lunch with Cindy Ainsworth:


  1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks — President
  2. Approval of Minutes of the July 16, 2016 meeting
  3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  4. Announcements — Nevada LH news, events, projects
  5. Announcement from Jim Bonar
  6. Update on the 1928 LH Marker: possible location at the depot, discussion about marker repairs/ceremony
  7. Status report for the LH signage survey — Brian Suen
  8. Supporting the 2017 LHA Iowa Conference, possible Nevada Chapter display — Brian Suen
  9. Road trip to Austin — Fall/September 2017: guided overnight trip with program in Austin — Elizabeth Rassiga and Warren White
  10. Discussion about 2017 programs — any ideas?
  11. Next meeting date — a tentative February meeting/lunch date
  12. Adjournment

California Chapter meeting on Sat 10/8

Fall 2016 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Starts at 11:00 am

Rancho Cordova City Hall — American River Room
2729 Prospect Park Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 851-8700
Google Map

Lunch at 11:00 am — Complimentary

Chapter meeting at 1:00 pm — Agenda

  • Officer and committee reports
  • LH signage and website updates
  • Lathrop and Western Terminus marker plaques


Nevada chapter hosts tour of Dog Valley section of LH on 10/1

The Nevada Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association will be having a tour of the original Dog Valley section of the highway (between Verdi, Nevada and Truckee, California) on Saturday, October 1, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.

We will meet as a group at the westernmost main parking lot at the Boomtown Casino, off I-80 Exit 4. Park and meet at the west end of the lot.

Mike Mooney and Chad Hicks have mapped the tour, with a few stops along the way (including pit stops). Plan on taking around 4 hours for this exciting trip.

Our final destination will include lunch in Truckee at the Village Pizzeria, which serves a wide variety of entrees. If you have facts, stories or history related to the tour, come prepared to share, but please keep it brief, as we have a lot of territory to cover.

All-wheel-drive (AWD) vehicles are encouraged, as is carpooling. Please RSVP for the tour and if you would like to carpool with someone by emailing Cindy Ainsworth:

We hope many of you will be able to attend the tour.

California Chapter meeting on Sat 7/9

Summer 2016 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, July 9, 2016
12:00 noon

Moody’s Bistro, Bar & Beats
Inside the Truckee Hotel
10007 Bridge St
Truckee, CA 96161
(530) 587-8688
Google Map

Lunch starts at 12 noon

Menu: artisan green salad, grilled steak, chicken or blackened fish

Chapter meeting starts at 1:00 pm


  • Officer and committee reports
  • Updates: Website, markers, signage, LH plaque restoration, Zachary Parker Eagle Scout project, Nevada chapter update, Orangevale Bridge restoration

Presentation: Jim Bonar, “Lincoln Highway Lecture 102”

Jim brings the Lincoln Highway across Nevada and California back to life, with an array of old photographs of the highway during its heyday and maps of the highway’s path across Nevada and the Sierra.

Jim Bonar is a retired teacher and a member of the Lincoln Highway Association. He is the past Nevada director and past president of the Nevada chapter.

Brief history of the Truckee Hotel

The Truckee Hotel was first established in 1873 as the American House and was known the Whitney House for decades. It was a major stagecoach stop on the Dutch Flat Wagon Road. The structure was rebuilt in 1909 after a major fire. After many renamings in the 20th century, it acquired its present name in 1976. The building was restored in 1992.

Source: Sierra Nevada Geotourism

California Chapter meeting on Sat 4/2

Spring 2016 California Chapter Meeting
Saturday, April 2, 2016
12:00 noon

Harry’s Hofbrau
14900 E 14th St
San Leandro, CA 94578
(510) 357-1707
Google Map

Chapter meeting starts at 1:00 pm in the patio


  • Officer and committee reports
  • Updates: Website, 2016 LH Conference, LH signage, and Lathrop and Western Terminus marker plaques

Road trip

  • Lincoln Highway sign locations between San Leandro and the Hotel Oakland