The Traveler
The Newsletter of the Lincoln Highway Association - California Chapter

Summer 2001


Recommended Reading

by Wes Hammond

All the Way to Lincoln Way: A Coast-to-Coast Bicycle Odyssey
by Bill Roe

[See larger photo of cover]

The author, a chapter member, pedaled a bicycle from San Francisco to New York. He followed the Lincoln Highway as closely as possible, and this arduous journey took two months to complete. He was accompanied by his wife driving a motor home, which provided a support system. The motor home carried extra bicycles and parts, and they knew where their lodging would be each night. Bill took a large number of pictures, and they include old gasoline stations, diners, historic buildings, and scenery in general. This book will show you the Lincoln Highway from a different, and enjoyable, view.

Copyright © 2001 by the Lincoln Highway Association. All rights reserved.
Maintained by James Lin <>